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Which instruments are you currently accepting?

We are currently looking for the following instruments:

**Double Reeds**

As much as we would love to welcome everyone, some instrument sections are filling up and may be closed. However we encourage you to submit your contact information regardless of what you play, and if needed we will create a wait list.

Do I have to audition?

There are currently no auditions required to join our band, however as sections fill up, there may be a wait list.

Is there a membership fee?

Currently there are no membership fees to join our band.

Are you active year-round?

Our season typically runs from August to June.
We follow the Salado ISD calendar year, which means we typically take
a break for summer, spring break and other school holidays throughout the year.

When and where to you rehearse?

We rehearse on Thursday nights from 7-9pm

Rehearsals take place at Salado Middle School, Salado, TX

What is your attendance requirements?

As a member of the ensemble, you should strive for the following:

  • Regular attendance at rehearsals and concerts.
  • Positive and supportive attitude for your fellow band mates and their musical efforts.
  • Consistent communication with your section leader to make him/her aware of any attendance conflicts.
    • Note:  Conflicts happen, and everyone will miss from time to time.  This is understandable for a community ensemble.  It always helps for the section leader to be informed.

Are there other band requirements aside from attending rehearsals and performances?

We do not require members to volunteer, however it is definitely very much appreciated when members volunteer their time and expertise in various areas.  Here are some areas we always can use some help:

  • Locating concert venues where we can play for free (<—please give us any leads!)
  • Publishing and posting flyers about upcoming performances on social media,
    as well as around town at local businesses and coffee houses etc.
  • Help create flyers and website content
  • Loading and offloading equipment at concerts
  • Board member positions will need to be filled and we are always looking for interested candidates
  • And more …….

How many concerts do you play in a year?

At this point, we typically do 7-8 performances a year at various concert venues in the Central Texas area.
Some concerts that we do each year include a Christmas concert and local Veteran’s Day events as well as
1-2 additional concert performances each season.
In addition to that, we occasionally perform at private events.

Our concert season typically runs from September to June, and there are no performances during the summer.

For formal concerts, our normal concert attire is concert black.

I am interested in joining, what do I do next?

Let us know of your intent to join by filling out some preliminary information online. 
We appreciate having your information ahead of time so that we may be prepared with music and a folder.  
Please note that as instrument sections are starting to fill up, a wait list may need to be created if needed.

After attending a few rehearsals, the section leader will have a better idea of your strengths and abilities and will work to have you placed where you can have the most success and the best playing experience!  Please be patient while we sort these things out, it does take time to get to know each new member.